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How to effectively mitigate the impacts of Light Rail And Bus Rapid Transit construction
By the time a major capitol project is shovel ready, project managers, taxpayers and elected officials are eager to get the machines running. By this time the agency has already gone through the herculean tasks of stakeholder outreach, community engagement, NEPA and SEPA reports and all of the capitol cost estimations, throw in a proposition approval by the voters for good measure and you could be forgiven for thinking that the difficulties are behind you. Attention eagerly moves to the millions of details of large-scale public-works construction.
Neighborhood Impacts
By this point in construction neighborhood impacts and the disruption of small businesses can feel like a distraction at best, and a risky potential for lawsuits, bad PR and civic complaints at worst. It is important to remember that a transportation system is built for the prosperity of a community. It is not built for its own sake.
Therefore it is of the utmost importance to make sure that while in the process of building community infrastructure, the capital project does not denigrate that community in the process. A transportation system is built for the prosperity of a community. It is not built for its own sake.
A transportation system is a means of creating prosperity in a community, not an end in itself.
- Strong Towns

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A New Way Forward to Support Small Businesses During Construction
Kick Marketing approaches each business within its unique context. This includes what construction impacts it is experiencing and what the business’s online presence currently is. Kick Marketing has a strong focus on the business’s long-term success, this means interrogating what resources are available to maintain a digital presence. The goal is not a short-term impact, but to build long-term sustaining businesses that can take advantage of the new opportunities Link light rail service will bring.
Small Business Program Benefits
- Builds stakeholder engagement
- Provides measurable, objective results
- Costs less than traditional business mitigation strategies
- Provides additional community outreach capacity
- Helps under resourced areas and communities of color
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